
"Will & Grace" = Boring...........

A while ago I posted about the Britney Spears "Will & Grace" episode. Well, it was on tonight. It totally sucked. I'm sorry, but the jokes are so forced and sick. Jack, the arguably gayest man on TV, is so annoying. He's not funny. To a certain extent he promotes a gay stereotype which I hate: the happy-go-lucky, fun, dancing, cute, yet naive, uneducated, sex obsessed gay sidekick. There's nothing wrong with being some of those things all the time or occasionally being all those things, but when you have a character who has been on TV for years and hasn't changed or had any real moment of ...realness... it gets old. Britney was okay actually, not a big role, and a sort of predictable storyline, but okay. I think she deserves all the criticism that she gets, but she's an okay actor maybe...............


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