
1,000,000,000 Songs

A kid downloaded the billionth song on iTunes. He won a computer, 10 iPods, and a $10,000 gift certificate to the iTunes Music Store

I Want My Aquafina

Bottled water isn't good for the world. Tap still sucks.

Shop Drop: You're a Star, Man

Amazon has a great pair of Ginch Gonch Star Pattern Boxer Briefs that are on sale. Cool retro.

'DNA target' to block HIV found

"American scientists have discovered how a molecule controls HIV's ability to hijack the genetic machinery of human cells." BBC News has the story.


VIDEO: German Engineering Yah

The Antithesis of Xzibit - crazy German guy who will un-pimp your ride. Finally, a decent car commercial that doesn't have the words "Hemi", "Horsepower", "Tough", "Like a rock", "Torque", or "Suspension" plastered everywhere.

VIDEO: Tom Cruise Smackdown

In case you haven't already seen this on VH1's "Best Week Ever" or somewhere else online... It's a mash-up between 2 Oprah interviews - James Frey and Tom Cruise. I've never seen a spoof that is technically executed so well. It's so perfect.


Life: Feb 24th, 2006

I saw "The Constant Gardener" tonight. It was great but very depressing. I don't think I can watch it again. It wasn't one of those movies that makes you sad and then brings you up. It leaves you down at the end. Ralph Fiennes is a very attractive man. I went with some really good friends of mine - friends who probably know I'm gay and wouldn't be surprised if I told them. Sometimes I just want to come out and say it. I don't think anyone I know would be surprised. Conversations always skirt around the fact that I'm gay. It might be easier if someone just asked me about it. This should be my belated New Year's Resolution - Come Out to Close Friends.

A Big...Carrot

Gosh - get your head out of the gutter Ace!

VIDEO: Scratch It Up

Way cool Giant DJ uses cars, pedestrians, and Vespas to mix it up

If There's Nothing in Your Netflix Q

An Amazon.com customer makes his list of The Best Hot Guy Movies. Who could be the common denominator in the 2 films above...?

A Hotter, More Famous Version of Your Face

I look like Audrey Hepburn Don't forget...I'm a dude. Trust me on this one. Upload a face pic of yourself, it compares your pic to thousands of pics of celebrities and makes some matches. A lot of fun with friends in the room.

Shop Drop: Swim Trunks for Hot Lifeguards

It's never too early to buy new swimsuits. I don't care if I can't do CPR and swim so and so many meters underwater - this thing is hot.

Strive Trunk a Lifeguard Style Swimsuit with Cross

"Superman Returns" Director Bryan Singer Interview

If you haven't heard of the new Superman movie, shame on you. If you didn't already know, the director Bryan Singer is gay. Rumors were flying furiously weeks ago concerning the star, Brandon Routh (the guy who plays Superman), his supposedly massive package that had to be digitally erased, and his sexuality.

Here is a recent interview with Singer

Mom!!! - I love you

I just wouldn't be the same without you...

Gay Genes from Mom

Peter Parker (Spiderman Duh!) Is Sexy In Black Venom

A new picture of Spiderman as Venom from the upcoming "Spiderman 3" has appeared online.

Britney Hags it Up on "Will & Grace"

Above are screen caps from Britney Spears' upcoming "Will & Grace" guest appearance. She plays a strong, sexy, curvy, Christian women. Ha.


This stuff makes me sick...

Utah moves ahead with ban on Gay-Straight Alliances

Shop Drop: BATMAN! Na na na na na na...

Check out the D & G Batman Boxer Brief Underwear at Amazon.com

I want a matching Robin pair for my nonexistent boyfriend...

VIDEO: Spread Your Ass

My high school has a wrestling team. None of them are hot like these two. The one in white is about to split his ass apart. Spandex and lycra and nylon - oh my.

Talk To Me

Don't forget that you can email me. I actually check it - often.

ALSO - I have an AIM Screen Name: Send IM

LA MUSIQUE: The Dandy Warhols

The Dandy Warhols are great. Check out their video for "Bohemian Like You". Good Music + Hot Nude Guy = Awesome Video. To the left is a cover for one of their albums...yes...that's why I loaded it up.

Shop Drop: Calvin Klein Jock is Hot

Just another tid-bit. An under $10 tid-bit to be exact. Good deal on Calvin Klein Men's Prostretch Jock Strap at Amazon.com

Now, where can I get myself one of those models...?

Project Runway Freakout

Okay - I was watching the Project Runway Reunion Special last night. If you saw the show, you know what I'm talking about. Guadalupe Vidal, one of the designers who got the "Auf Wiedersehen" from Heidi Klum, went absolutely crazy. I could not stop laughing, I thought I would wake up someone in my house. She was so freaking high. Never have I heard such truly random comments than the ones that came out of her mouth last night. In case you missed it, I found other air dates for the special. Please watch it! Holy shit.

BTW - Isn't Heidi Klum truly smoking? ...If I were straight...

No Surprises Here: Magazines that Gay People Love

Gawker has the top magazines that the gays and bisexuals - you can't really say "bis" and get the meaning across - love to read.


Shop Drop: The Hip Polo

In case you haven't heard of Overstock.com it's hands down the best place - online or not - to pick up great designer clothes at deep deep deep deep and deeper prices. I came across this today.The Hip Polo...

Weep: Trouble on the Dancefloor

Madonna admits to problems in her marriage with what's his name, the director guy, damn what's his name....

The Biggest Heartbreak in NYC

Well, who saw it coming? The honeymoon is over...