"Will & Grace" = Boring...........
A while ago I posted about the Britney Spears "Will & Grace" episode. Well, it was on tonight. It totally sucked. I'm sorry, but the jokes are so forced and sick. Jack, the arguably gayest man on TV, is so annoying. He's not funny. To a certain extent he promotes a gay stereotype which I hate: the happy-go-lucky, fun, dancing, cute, yet naive, uneducated, sex obsessed gay sidekick. There's nothing wrong with being some of those things all the time or occasionally being all those things, but when you have a character who has been on TV for years and hasn't changed or had any real moment of ...realness... it gets old. Britney was okay actually, not a big role, and a sort of predictable storyline, but okay. I think she deserves all the criticism that she gets, but she's an okay actor maybe...............
JPMorgan Loves The Gay Kids
JPMorgan is holding an event to recruit LGBT students for careers in banking. Gawker has the story. Below is the email with the original announcement.
From: careereducation@columbia.edu
Date: Mar 29, 2006 9:44 AM
Subject: JPMorgan Recruiting Event for LGBT Students
JPMorgan's Investment Bank and the Private Bank are inviting interested LGBT students to a special recruiting event on Thursday, April 13th. This is a valuable opportunity for those interested in a career in banking to meet and mingle with some senior managers at our firm. This forum will give you insight into the Fall 2006 recruiting process and will help guide you by outlining the skills and traits that we look for in hiring full time and summer internship candidates.
At JPMorgan, diversity matters. And we are very much committed to souring and retaining the best and most talented LGBT candidates.
I hope you'll join us at this event!
What: "This Is Where You Need to Be Out" Recruiting Event for LGBT Undergraduates
Where: 270 Park Avenue, 50th Floor
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
RSVP: xxxx@jpmorgan.com
Teddy Update: March 28th, 2006
Okay, just watched tonight's episode. A lot happened surrounding Teddy and Britt. Teddy asked Britt out to dinner sometime and Britt was totally excited. Then on a casting call, Teddy completely ignored Britt and flirted with this other girl whose name I didn't catch! Later, Teddy and the new girl made out (really hot) in the hot tub in the courtyard of the model's apartments. All the girls, including Britt, saw Teddy getting hot with the girl and Britt was really surprised. Afterwards, Britt told Teddy that because of their different "morals" and "daily choices" they couldn't date. Well, Britt is stupid. I think that Teddy likes Britt, but is a little immature and doesn't know how to deal with it responsibly. I love him to death!
I'm so glad that this episode featured Teddy so much. He is by far the best looking of the guy models (Vinci is such a prick) and he's so sweet. I really like that I got to hear his voice a lot tonight. He has a great, soft, smooth voice with a little accent that is adorable. Well, until later...

I'm so glad that this episode featured Teddy so much. He is by far the best looking of the guy models (Vinci is such a prick) and he's so sweet. I really like that I got to hear his voice a lot tonight. He has a great, soft, smooth voice with a little accent that is adorable. Well, until later...

LA MUSIQUE: Matt White = Dreamy
Matt White is so very dreamy. That fluffy hair and tall strong figure and gorgeous lips.......I also like his music a lot. His website.
SHOP DROP: Behold, The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Well The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will go on sale tomorrow for a little less than $11. I'll be picking up a copy ASAP.
Pope Benedict: This Season's New Hitler?
Well, we all know how pink, brown, or even black can be the new black. But is Pope Benedict the new Hitler? Some people think so - because of his stance on homosexuality in general. Hey, I know a lot of people don't want gays to get married, but to take away rights that we've already gotten???? I was raised Catholic and chose to leave the Church because I didn't believe anything that they were saying. I feel bad for people like my parents who are practicing Catholics and are fairly good people, and want would support equal rights for gays, but have this ugly, vulturish, Star War's Emperor looking, old, nasty, bulging eyed freak who's in charge of basically their entire organized religion. Well here's the story.
Teddy - Center of Hotness
Okay, if you've been reading this blog, you know that I'm obsessed with Teddy from "8th & Ocean". Recently, I highlighted his profile at Irene Marie, his modeling agency. Before that, I posted some pics of him here, here, and here. Well, I have more today from both his MTV and Irene Marie profiles.

SHOP DROP: Not Your Average Polo Shirt
The Live Mechanics Men's Yarn Dyed Striped Crew Neck Polo is one of the coolest polo shirts that I've seen in my travels through the endless virtual aisles of Amazon.com and Overstock.com. I absolutely love the colors of these shirts and the logo over the breast pocket is great. The price is cool too - in typical Overstock.com fashion - they are usually $48 but are on sale for $17!

Tom Cruise or Saddam Hussein?
I'm not sure if I agree totally...but I hate Tom Cruise. Story here.
"The 'Mission Impossible' star was voted the person people would least like to go camping overnight with in a recent poll by Stuff Magazine
Readers voted they would rather spend the night with Saddam Hussein than with Cruise.
The magazine asked readers who they would least like to share a camping tent with: Cruise took the prize with 41%. Saddam Hussein came in second with 39%, Pat O’Brien with 15%, and Kathy Griffin last at 5%"
Wikipedia Knows Everything
Wikipedia has a list of hundreds of gay, lesbian, or bisexual famous people. Fun!
"8th & Ocean" - Teddy's Profile at Work
Teddy's profile at Irene Marie, his modeling agency, has all new stuff that isn't on his MTV "8th & Ocean" profile. For instance, I give you this...

More coming your way soon...

More coming your way soon...
Life: March 23rd, 2006
Hey guys...I have some cool news. If you've clicked on my profile recently, you might of noticed that I'm now a contributor for GayRightsWatch.com. I just started blogging and I'm really happy people are responding to my point of view - don't I sound like a snob? I'm a gay teen and I must be heard! Well - thanks.
Just to let you know, I will continue posting here - good old Gayer Mechanic Wales - just as much. In fact, I'll probably post here even more...
Just to let you know, I will continue posting here - good old Gayer Mechanic Wales - just as much. In fact, I'll probably post here even more...
Beckham Launches Skin Care Line
Oh you know you want Beck's face (and bod). That soft, velvety, smooth, warm...face. Well now you can. Beck's skin care line.

Life: March 21st, 2006
Let's rock this site! I've been really amazed by the number of visitors and it's really encouraging. If you like this blog, ask other sites to add a link that comes here.
until later,
until later,
Kevin Rose: The Sexy Geek

Kevin Rose, master geek and total hotty, is profiled in Wired Magazine about his website digg.com - one of my favorite sites around by the way. Kevin's Flickr - his digg.com profile - his company's website - his blog - his textamerica pics.
Where's the "Gay Accent"?

Shop Drop: 9 Women, 9 Lives

Rodrigo Garcia's Nine Lives DVD is on sale at Amazon. I saw this movie and loved it and didn't get a chance to see it again during its very short and limited theatrical release. Rodrigo Garcia directed many "Six Feet Under" episodes and directed the pilot of "Big Love" for HBO. You have to be at least interested in a film when you look at the cast: Kathy Baker, Glenn Close, Dakota Fanning, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Holly Hunter, Jason Isaacs, Aidan Quinn, Sissy Spacek, and Robin Wright Penn.
The Craig’s List M4M Dictionary
As I was rummaging through Best of Craigslist, I came upon this little helpful guide...

Also, the film's material is much more controversial than any of the trailers or any of the press surrounding the film has let on. The society in which the story takes place condemns Muslims and homosexuals alike. There are several gay characters in the film, one of which is put in prison solely because of their sexuality. Another of the gay characters hides a Koran in a secret room because they are illegal.
The action in the film is incredible and it is reminiscent of The Matrix movies, but the more surprising thing about the movie is that it is very suspenseful at times. This is also the only action movie that has every made me cry. Je l'ai adoré!
email me
Question About FDA Gay Blood Ban

At my school, kids who are at least 17 years old and 120 lbs - I'm both - can donate blood 3-4 times through out the school year when the Red Cross (I think?) comes and set up in the lobby. With this gay blood ban, how do you negotiate schools? I've never been asked if I was gay or had had sex with men (haven't!! - it sucks). I think people would have problems with nurses asking kids if they were gay - right in front of all their peers. Well, the details seem to elude everyone.
email me
Gay Kids Coming Out Early
An article about the relatively recent phenomenon of young gay and lesbian kids who are coming out earlier than ever, age 10 for example. I think it's good that kids feel free enough to do that, and they can always not stick with their decision, but that seems too young to me. I think a lot of people just begin to sort their sexuality out when they hit their teens. But hey that's just me.
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email me
Brandon Flyte Uproar
Okay - a lot has happened very quickly in the Brandon Flyte story. First, here is "The Oregonian" article claiming that Brandon made up parts of his story that he posted on his website. Brandon has now posted a statement on his website in response. Towleroad also has a story on this.
Concerning Brandon's new statement, I'm not sure what to believe. Specifically, he says "Let me be clear on something. I never expected this level of publicity. I posted this in a few places I thought it might be of interest, but, maybe foolishly, never expected more than a few dozen people to notice or care." However, just last night, March 15, Brandon told me explicitly that he knew the story had a good chance of being big. I don't know what to think.
email me
IM me
Concerning Brandon's new statement, I'm not sure what to believe. Specifically, he says "Let me be clear on something. I never expected this level of publicity. I posted this in a few places I thought it might be of interest, but, maybe foolishly, never expected more than a few dozen people to notice or care." However, just last night, March 15, Brandon told me explicitly that he knew the story had a good chance of being big. I don't know what to think.
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Brandon Flyte's "Brokeback High" Clip
Brandon Flyte's "Brokeback High", the film that got him expelled from his high school, has a clip. The original story that I first "broke".
Shop Drop: 365 Days of Hotness

Oh Calvin Klein! Just looking at your underwear makes me so...horny...yes I said it. It's the Calvin Klein 365 Hip Brief Underwear over at Amazon. They should sell the phone number of the model too.
Daniel Vosovic Lives!

Daniel Vosovic, the designer on "Project Runway" that should have won, has a lot on his plate at the moment. I'm really glad that he is going to do well, because he deserves to. I truly believe that his clothes were always the best and that they are more commercially viable those of Chloe Dao. Daniel Vosovic's Website.
Wow, lots of site movement because of the Brandon Flyte story. I knew it was important but when I sent Andy the story at Towleroad, I wasn't sure he'd post it. Thanks Andy!
I'm a little curious as to who else will pick up this story. Send me links if you spot one. You can hit me up on email anytime. I'm also always looking for suggestions, questions, thoughts, etc.
I'm a little curious as to who else will pick up this story. Send me links if you spot one. You can hit me up on email anytime. I'm also always looking for suggestions, questions, thoughts, etc.
Little Bush Got That Southern Charm
Peirce Bush, nephew to President Bush certainly knows how to make an impression. He was totally hitting on Campbell Brown on the Today Show. I like the hair man...
High School Student Expelled for His Video "Brokeback High"
Brandon Flyte, a high school student, was expelled after showing his class his "Brokeback Mountain" tribute, "Brokeback High". Here is his website, which includes a short clip of the movie as well as screen caps, like the one below.

VIDEO: Jake Gyllenhaal On Vanity Fair Shoot
Jake Gyllenhaal, Annie Leibovitz, and Tom Ford are all on camera in this video of Jake's shoot for the Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue.
Life: March 11th, 2006
I just got back from a play at another school, a smaller, more artsy, cooler school. This is the kind of school that everyone who has just met me expects me to go to. People don't imagine me at the school I'm at because they pick up that vibe the second they meet me. My school is not very accepting and I don't think I would ever come out publicly. I would be harassed constantly by a lot of people. At this school that I saw the play at, many people are out. It's still a little bit of a big deal, not a surprise, but not a bad thing. People are embraced when they come out, by guys and girls. Ironically, people get pissed off when someone who is obviously gay won't come out of the closet. I wish my school was like that. As I look at colleges, I have this little thing in the back of my head that always asks the question: What is the gay scene like there?
email me
Send In The Gays
Scottish prisons are looking for more gay prison guards. No Oz jokes please. Story Here.
Shop Drop: Red Cheetah

Flintstones = Gay

Andy Borowitz of Newsweek has the story of the new group "Focus on the Flintstones" which is demanding that The Flintstones be taken off the air. SATIRE.
8th & Ocean - Teddy
Even though it isn't a great show, 8th & Ocean on MTV has one of the sexiest, dreamy guys ever. His name is Teddy. Tuesdays @ 10:30 after Real World. I got to his profile on MTV, but I'll let the pictures below do the talking.